I've nothing better to do - I've been sleepy for 3.5 hours (since 12:00): I woke up at 9, after sleping over 8 hours. I drank only hot chocolate, coffee and ate sweet apples - so I'm really tired.
Biology does not apply to me - just like psychology.
So, let's all hug OSC!
(((OSC))) For creating Hatrack. (((OSC))) For your sense of humour. (((OSC))) For being such a great writer. (((OSC))) For being such a great person. (((OSC))) For your illuminating the world in my eyes (I'm Kant, you're Hume).
So, let's give another round of applause for OSC!!!
P.S. It's as if I've taken 3 sleeping pills beyond those who take 4 packets to die. Give me a break! I am hopeless and needy and desperate for adoring someone. I'm not e-mailing Rabbi David Rosen again; too impolite, whereas this is a thread and OSC is warmer a personality. Not biased either way.
*Drops dead.*
Posted by DarkKnight (Member # 7536) on :
Can we all just get together for one big group hug? Posted by SteveRogers (Member # 7130) on :
JH- How did you get hold of those sleeping pills again? Even after I hid them, you found them. I've told you so many times, only take them if you really can't get to sleep; in other words don't take them at all unless you want to die.
Posted by Jonathan Howard (Member # 6934) on :
Steve, you seem to have gotton something wrong.
"I feel as if..." I din't actually take the pills. I'm just sick enough to state that my head is virtually spinning at the supersonic speed of sight.
I don't have sleeping-pills at home.
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
This isn't creepy at all. Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
yup, I have all the talent and abilities in the world to become a great writer, but the idea of having fans keeps it at bay
Posted by Anna (Member # 2582) on :
I trust you, Kama.
Posted by Orson Scott Card (Member # 209) on :
This is weird. I thought I wrote a reply to this thread, and now I look at it and my reply ISN'T HERE. So where did it go?
Posted by Verily the Younger (Member # 6705) on :
He made two of them. Because that's not creepy at all. Posted by Verai (Member # 7507) on :
It's the fabled lag monster, who eats random posts whenever a new one comes up.
So the people who make posts with little to no useful information should stop.
(eek, that's me!) Posted by Orson Scott Card (Member # 209) on :
I see, yes. Two Jonathan Howard hug threads, because he was tired and didn't realize that he posted it twice.
So my answer is in the other thread.
(My homework is in my other notebook!)
Posted by ketchupqueen (Member # 6877) on :
I think it's 'cause the board was screwy. It's been jumping and spitting lately.