Wow, I'm quite surprised to see that none of you mentioned his death. There were no titles concerning him anyway. I'm a Pole, that's why you may think I mention him. But moany of you, though most probably non-catholic do not consider him the Head of your Church. He's one of the most odd people in the world- because he loves, he understands (he did, I mean). This is a rare thing nowadays. Let's hope he make's it to heaven quickly (who will, if not him?) I heard that on of the first things that new Pope should do is to (I do not now the term) make him semi-saint, (beathification?). I wonder, what you think about that?
Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
I feel much better, i must say:)
Posted by Orson Scott Card (Member # 209) on :
I wrote a rather passionate column about him and what I think he means to Christians who are not Catholic. It will go up on the Web on Sunday on the site, and Monday on the site.
I think it will also appear tomorrow on the website.
So not only was there much discussion about John Paul II on Hatrack, I'm making some effort to speak even more widely about a strongly favorable impression of his life and works.
Posted by Szymon (Member # 7103) on :
Ok, thanks. I just was a little surprised, began writing without thinking much. It was obvoius you all must have talked about it. It's seldom you dont discuss something, actually
Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :