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Posted by Orson Scott Card (Member # 209) on :
To whom it may concern: The Barnes & Noble discussion on Shadow of the Giant is under way. I've given them links to Hatrack ... we'll see if any come.

And if you want to look in, I THINK you can still join. Go to and in the upper-right area of the screen, click on the tab labeled "B&N University". I'd be more specific, but for some reason B&N is refusing my connection at the moment so I can't check it. Which isn't helpful, considering I'm supposed to be reponding to posts there.

[ April 06, 2005, 03:13 PM: Message edited by: Orson Scott Card ]
Posted by Verai (Member # 7507) on :
You stuck your comma at the end of the link ^^

When I clickied it put it on the end, not sure if that's what kept you from getting there.

[ April 06, 2005, 11:56 AM: Message edited by: Verai ]
Posted by El JT de Spang (Member # 7742) on :
I wonder if more people than just you are having that problem. The board over there has been relatively quiet today. I've also linked this forum a couple of times from there (even though it meant I had to re-register - stupid hard-to-remember username)
Posted by mothertree (Member # 4999) on :
I was just posting over there. BNU
Posted by El JT de Spang (Member # 7742) on :
What's your name over there?
Mine is JT. Tricky, huh?
Posted by CRash (Member # 7754) on :
I've visited the site before, but not the forums. Sneaky link, Mr. Card. Like I need another message board to get addicted to. My name's the same in the BNU discussion.

...but for some reason B&N is refusing my connection at the moment so I can't check it. Which isn't helpful, considering I'm supposed to be reponding to posts there.
Gah! Curse computer problems [Grumble]
Posted by Orson Scott Card (Member # 209) on :
I'm so dim it didn't occur to me that of course people here already KNEW and if they were interested they were already THERE.
Posted by Gosu (Member # 5783) on :
At first I was mad that I was too late, but then I realized I haven't read the book yet.

I'm going to go watch starship troopers now.
Posted by Verai (Member # 7507) on :
No offense to the kind Barnes and Noble folks, but the board layout for that classroom is horrible. If the same subjects were posted in a different board segment on Hatrack I wouldn't have a reason to go to their classroom.

That said, It's better than not having the discussions, so I'm glad it's there.
Posted by jeniwren (Member # 2002) on :
I'm glad you posted it, OSC. I'd forgotten about it and didn't have time to sign up when I first heard. Your post reminded me. I'm signed up now.
Posted by Luthien Two Hands (Member # 7755) on :
when my nickname gets booted three times in a row, I decide the fates are against participation in such a wonderful enterprise.
Posted by Sartorius (Member # 7696) on :
but the board layout for that classroom is horrible.
Glad I'm not the only one who thinks so. It confuses my terribly.
Posted by Orson Scott Card (Member # 209) on :
And it's a dreadful thing when one's terribly is confused.

At least their messages ARE editable after all. I've gone back and changed all my titles (or most of them, I guess) away from the endles RE: RE: RE: RE: chains to something pertinent to what is actually inside my message.

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