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Posted by Verily the Younger (Member # 6705) on :
I ordered a copy of the limited edition "Posing as People" being advertised on the main page a few days ago. It arrived today, which I thought was amazingly fast. I can't wait to finish the book I'm reading now so I can get started on it. I don't live anywhere near southern California, and can't afford to travel that far, so I didn't get to see the show live. At least now I can read the words and listen to the actors perform it. [Big Grin]

Oh, and by the way, has anyone noticed before that on the fold-out CD holder, the URL for the Taleswapper Productions website is given as ""? [Eek!]
Posted by Orson Scott Card (Member # 209) on :
We are chagrinned that Taleswapper has instead become a kind of Saran Wrap for fiction. But it's too late to fix it now....

Meanwhile, your receipt of Posing As People only seemed fast because you ordered it after it had actually been printed. The publisher took great pride and great care in making this package as perfect as possible; this also took time. So it is doubly frustrating to us all that such a little error should creep through, and on something like a URL, where a single letter wrong can keep you from reaching the desire destination.

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