The thing is at the end of the John Paul part the thing with Graff saying about orchastarting his life. About how he'd want him to marry kids then the kids would be [erfect which did. Then like he said like he'd might even set up his marraige to a smart women. Did he because it seems so, I mean in the Shadow books it even seems Theresa was smarter. Catching stuff and all. Also did Graff make it that they married the whole religon thing so Ender wouldn't be hard to leave. Was this all or? Yeah...
Posted by urbanX (Member # 1450) on :
From what I read Theresa was a brilliant Scientist. Who's father happened to be a brilliant military strategist whose book was the bible of the IF. So in my opinion it was as much about Theresa as it was about John Paul. Plus I believe the research Theresa was doing proved that the only way humanity would survive would be under one gov't, otherwise society would regress to tribes. John Paul's goal in life is to overthrow the current world gov't and replace it with a better one by working from the inside. So my new theory is this: Graff read the conclusion's of theresa's research and decided to help in two ways. 1) As Col Min get as many colonies started as possible and 2) do everything in his power to ensure an Earth united by one Gov't. By some weird chance the person he would throw his power behind happened to be a person he had a hand in creating in the first place. Gives a new meaning to puppet master huh?
Posted by aitch42 (Member # 7373) on :
quote: Plus I believe the research Theresa was doing proved that the only way humanity would survive would be under one gov't, otherwise society would regress to tribes ....Graff ....decided to help in two ways. ... 2) do everything in his power to ensure an Earth united by one Gov't.
I thought it was the only way they could survive the bugger invasion; but the one-world-government was set up so that it would collapse, intentionally, after the war? Because they didn't really want one government, not after the bugger invasion was beaten. Hence the 2-child policies and the other unacceptable "rules".
Posted by IanO (Member # 186) on :
Those rules were set up to make the gov't collapse, it's true. But as John Paul speculated, it wouldn't have to be everyone who wanted the hegemony fall. It looked like the promotion of Teresa's work was the work of another faction (or even interested third parties- those not directly ruling in the hegemony) that WANTED the hegemony.
Other than that, I think the analysis was spot on.
Posted by Sid Meier (Member # 6965) on :
Becuase the hegemony wasn't even what you'ld call a representative will of the peoples of the world and it supported tyrannical governments and did nothing to help those who were oppressed, ensuring that it had very little staying power after the invasion would insure its fall and hopefully as Graff was rolling for replace it with soemthing better.
Posted by aitch42 (Member # 7373) on :
quote: .... ensuring that it had very little staying power after the invasion would insure its fall and hopefully as Graff was rolling for replace it with soemthing better.
oh, i thought it was to revert to the independent pre-war countries, rather than be "replaced" by anything planned - as planning for other countries' governments really doesn't seem to work :-o
But it was some months since i read it, and all in one sitting, so it was something of a pig-out on the book, so i don't recal it too well.
I wish i could take my time with these books to aprpeciate them more - but i don't, I read cover-to-cover in a few days, then forget a lot of it.
I'm treating gourmet-OSC like a MacDonalds, and not pausing to savour the taste :-(