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Posted by MidnightBlue (Member # 6146) on :
I was thinking about it the Shadow series and about First Meetings, and I was thinking about how cool it would be to meet some of the people who make appearances in the Shadow books. Wouldn't it be great to read a short story or something on how Anton and/or Volescu got into their line of work? Or how about a story on how Sister Carlotta came to realize that her calling was to test street urchins for the IF? I'd love to read an account of exactly what happened in the clean room before/while it was shut down, and what was happening in Volescu's head as it was all going on. A short story on how Achilles came to be in a position to take over Poke's crew, or a story about how Poke got the crew in the first place would be really cool. Where did she get her name?

These are short stories that I would love to read, but I don't know where they would go. They wouldn't really belong in First Meetings IMO, because they aren't fully a part of the Enderverse. But I could see a First Meetings-type book for Bean.

Any thoughts or additional story suggestions? Or does everyone think it's a totally lame idea?
Posted by Puppy (Member # 6721) on :
"Beanderverse" is one of my favorite words now.
Posted by mr_porteiro_head (Member # 4644) on :
Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :
Mmm. I like "Beanderverse" myself. [Big Grin]
Posted by Sid Meier (Member # 6965) on :
interesting though, those ideas aren't exactly what most people would want to read imo but your on the right track. I'm more interested on short stories involving the littler known characters in the Ender/Beanderverse; such as han tzu, crazy tom, shen, fly molo and of course a story about alai before battleschool and after it back on earth.
Posted by Catseye1979 (Member # 5560) on :
Not sure why but I've always wanted to know what happened to Sargent and the rest of the crew, after he found Poke's body he figured out that it was probly Achilles that killed her there is no mention to what happned to him after Achilles left them.
Posted by A Rat Named Dog (Member # 699) on :
Oh, give the poor guy a break! Let him write something new, for crying out loud!
Posted by Corwin (Member # 5705) on :
Posted by osc'solderthanmeafterall (Member # 7054) on :
Oh, give the poor guy a break! Let him write something new, for crying out loud!
That's why we love OSC so much -- there are so many interesting, well developed characters that we wonder about even the minor ones. Christie
Posted by Sid Meier (Member # 6965) on :
yeah... weird most readers just fall in love with the major characters and thats that but with Mr. Card we love practically ALL of his characters, woo.
Posted by Jqueasy (Member # 7085) on :
I would love a beandervers first meetings. Maybe even some more peter stories.
Posted by MidnightBlue (Member # 6146) on :
Like when he had his monitor?
Posted by trance (Member # 6623) on :
A few interesting topics would be Peter and/or Valantine when they had monitors, posibly a whole book from the sadistic mind of Achillies, or a book on Mazer. All of these peek my interests but in my opinion....who cares about carlotta, volescu or sargent? thier stories would certainly be short and barely interesting. (Except to the nuns, mad scientists and survivor homeless!)
Posted by osc'solderthanmeafterall (Member # 7054) on :
Yeah, I didn't really want to know any more about Volescu. [Eek!] Carlotta, though, is interesting to me. Why would a woman nowadays become a nun? How did she get into the project of screening the kids? She must be really bright too. There's got to be more to her than saying Hail Marys all day. Christie
Posted by MidnightBlue (Member # 6146) on :
thier stories would certainly be short
Isn't that the point of a short story? [Taunt]
Posted by SteveRogers (Member # 7130) on :
I think a book from the point-of-view of someone who wasn't in Dragon Army in Battle School, but knew Ender would be cool. Like the whole story from the point-of-view of Petra or someone else. But whatever. [Dont Know] I'm pretty sure I'll love anything OSC writes whether or not it is Ender related in any way whatsoever. [Big Grin]
Posted by scottneb (Member # 676) on :
If he wrote the stories you're wanting here, he would have to write new characters for that person to develop with/against. Then, inevitably, you'll want to here about how that person got into their position, and on, and on, and on...

Mr. Card has created a very good thing for himself and to continue writing in that world could possibly taint it. Let it rest as-is. It's requests like those in this thread that drive authors into retirement.
Posted by MidnightBlue (Member # 6146) on :
I didn't mean it to sound like I was going to try to get him to write this book, just that I think it'd be cool to read it. And there is a difference, even though it doesn't necessarily come off sounding that way. I sometimes like to live in a world of what-ifs. What if a book like this were written, what kinds of stories would/should/could be in it? But I guess I didn't really make that clear in my first post.
Posted by Sid Meier (Member # 6965) on :
Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
Carlotta, though, is interesting to me. Why would a woman nowadays become a nun?
You might get a better-informed and much quicker reply if you actually went and talked to a nun. [Wink]
Posted by bigendrnbnfan71112 (Member # 7363) on :
i think it would be cool to read the hive queen, the hegemon, and/or the life of human. he doesnt have to write them. it would be extremely difficult im sure but it would be cool
Posted by Jasmine (Member # 7370) on :
I like Steveroger's idea of OSC righting a book from Petra's point of view. It would be interesting to read about what she thought of and what she was going through before and after ender came and was transfered out of Salamander army
Posted by 0range7Penguin (Member # 7337) on :
I think that if you keep pressuring Mr. Card to write all these books he might snap under the pressure go crazy and do the unthinkable: He could open up the Ender universe to other authers to write in and then we would all have to cry and kill ourselves. So for Mr. Cards sake, for Enders sake, and for all our sakes let the multiple book thing go. If you want to write about cool what ifs in enders universe than do so but dont do what if about books that Mr. Card could write. Let the man have peace! And for all we know a future book could spawn the begging of a whole new series that we will all read and love.
P.S. Happy Valentines day everyone.
Posted by MidnightBlue (Member # 6146) on :
I think that if you keep pressuring Mr. Card to write all these books he might snap under the pressure go crazy and do the unthinkable: He could open up the Ender universe to other authers to write in
It's not exactly the unthinkable since it's already been thought of. If you read the forward to (I think) ES it explains that the book was supposed to be written by another author, but at the last minute Card decided that he didn't want to let go of that story and wrote it himself.

Besides, I don't think he would "snap under the pressure" or "go crazy" if he didn't want to write them. He just wouldn't write them.

[ March 13, 2005, 04:18 PM: Message edited by: MidnightBlue ]
Posted by Quimby2999 (Member # 7044) on :
I like Steveroger's idea of OSC righting a book from Petra's point of view.
I like the idea of not ruining the series by milking it dry. Plus, we really already know everything worth knowing about Petra. I don't want to find out that she was the result of some government project to create an army of hyper-intelligent female soldiers.

[ February 15, 2005, 06:11 PM: Message edited by: Quimby2999 ]
Posted by Ralphie (Member # 1565) on :
Uh huh.
Posted by Ramdac99 (Member # 7264) on :
Hey I've got an idea, Let's get OSC to write Ender's Game from the perspective of every character. like 20 some-odd books. wha'cha think, "Graff's Game". "Dink's Shadow" all the greats. and why stop there. maybe he can write Speaker from Warmaker's perspective and the Xeno from the point-of-view of Han Fi Tzu's stapler. [Wall Bash]
Posted by 0range7Penguin (Member # 7337) on :
Han Fi Tzu's stapler count me IN!
Posted by MidnightBlue (Member # 6146) on :
*shamelessly bumps page then walks away whistling*

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