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Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
I'd say I like Peggy and Alvin the best of all his couples. I like how Peggy can see into his heart, how she's loved him since he was a little kid and how he inspired her to make herself into the best person she could be.
I loved how Alvin fell in love with her even when she didn't look like a pretty young woman, but an old spinster.
Normally OSC's romances drive me a bit batty because they seem to happen so suddenly.
And nothing like that happens to me, so of course I'd be a bit jealous, but Peggy and Alvin are definetly my favourite.
Posted by CalvinMaker (Member # 2032) on :
I don't really think I could pick out a single favorite, but I think Nafai and Luet would be one of my favorites.

They were forced to marry so young, and yet they still came to love each other so deeply that that love stayed with them for the rest of their lives. And like Peggy and Alvin, Luet wasn't just a wife who stood by to the side as she watched whatever great work her husband had. They both performed the great work together, because Nafai needed her support and help so much, and she needed his. It was a mutual marriage.

I hope that made sense.
Posted by Jill (Member # 3376) on :
I really like Peggy and Alvin's relationship, but I'd have to say that Nafai and Luet are my favorite couple. I also love Ivan and Katerina together.
Posted by dkw (Member # 3264) on :
Patience and Will
Posted by Papa Moose (Member # 1992) on :
Papa Moose and Mama Squirrel, but I'm heavily biased.
Posted by CalvinMaker (Member # 2032) on :
Rofl!! [Big Grin]
Posted by policyvote (Member # 3044) on :
Ivan and Katerina. The antagonistic thing is so cute. [Smile]


[ July 20, 2003, 11:08 AM: Message edited by: policyvote ]
Posted by Penguinevere (Member # 5167) on :
I'm caught between Ivan/Katerina and Patience/Will. I think I mostly just like Patience/Will because Will is like the ultimate human being as far as I'm concerned [Smile] So I guess Ivan/Katerina are actually my favorite couple.
Posted by kwsni (Member # 1831) on :
I'm going to have to agree with policy.

I think Ivan and Katerina are my favorite osc characters in general.

Posted by Marek (Member # 5404) on :
I have to mention 3 couples, I can't really choose.
Don and Sylvie, (Don Lark and Sylvie Delaney)she feels like all their problems are solved when they fall in love, despite her being dead, them not knowing what to do, their happiness coming at the price of the freedom of those around them, her bring trapped in the house. To be with her he is willing to die, to be with him she is willing to live in the body of the person she hates most in the world. kind of an all you need is love philosophy. [Smile]
Si Wang-mu and Peter Wiggin. There relationship is not tragic or forced. They are friends, and companions, they're sarcastic and funny, and see each other as equals. [Cool]
Finally, Card's greatest couple, like I have to say it, Ivan and Katerina, obviously most of the forum knows why. [Big Grin]
I have to admit I seem to like the odd supernatural relationships which seem to have crossed the lines of space, time, life, and death to bring together people who might never have spoken if they lived next door to each other, the ones that clearly were works of fate.
Posted by Nick (Member # 4311) on :
Patience and Will are a couple? I'm only halfway through Wyrms right now.

*picks up Wyrms, reads*
Posted by Pepek (Member # 3773) on :
Wang-mu and Peter(Yah yah, they aren't a couple, but they're partners, close enough for me, partners is better, I love em')

~Sir Montague
Posted by Stradling (Member # 1182) on :
Another mark for Ivan and Katerina.
Posted by Hushidh (Member # 3511) on :
I wish I could say Hushidh and Issib, because I really have a lot of empathy for these slightly quieter, more overlooked characters. And, you know, it's my name [Wink]

But in the end I think it's a tie between Ivan/Katerina and Nafai/Luet.
Posted by pooka (Member # 5003) on :
Miro and Ouanda, in a tragic, deeply felt way. What's so awful is watching them, knowing what you know. If you knew it. Don't you know before the speaking? I think that right there was what made Novinha so nutty.
Posted by prolixshore (Member # 4496) on :
puts in a vote for papa moose and mama squirrel. just because.

Posted by dkw (Member # 3264) on :
Sorry Nick, I guess I should have put in a spoiler warning [Wink] .

I hope you're enjoying the book, it's one of my very favorites.
Posted by Avatar300 (Member # 5108) on :
Just to be different...

Asineth and Palicrovol
Posted by Papa Moose (Member # 1992) on :
That's different, all right. Thanks for the vote, prolix.

*Possible spoilers, but anyone wanting to avoid spoilers should know better than to check this thread anyway.*

Excluding myself and my wife from the running, I'd probably go with Step and Deanne Fletcher. Part of the reason:
Step hated feeling such rage toward the person he loved most. And it wasn't the yearning love of young romance, but rather the kind of love that made her feel like part of his own self, so that he couldn't imagine a future without her beside him. To be so savagely angry at her was terrible.
No, he said to himself. No, I forbid it. I will not let it happen, and neither will she. I'll just have to work on being the kind of husband she doesn't think she has to manipulate, Lord, help me to be whatever it is she needs me to be so we can hold this thing together. Just get us through this summer. Through this year. And then we won't need any more help, we'll be OK.
"I set up that home teaching appointment for you because her name was on Dr. Greenwald's list, and I thought that if you met her maybe you'd like her and even trust her and then you'd take Stevie to her. I didn't actually lie to you but I still didn't tell you the truth."

The tears spilled over her eyes onto her cheeks. She angrily wiped them away with her shirtsleeve.

"I know you hate me now," she said. "We don't trick each other and lie to each other, ever, and now I did it."
And then he pushed the nastiness out of his mind and just held her. This is what love is, he thought. Doing what you don't want to do, because she needs it so much. And it isn't that bad. And it isn't that hard.

(Bold emphasis mine.)

I cut things out of this section because it would be waaay too long instead of only slightly too long, but I can't help but tear up during this scene. There are other scenes that come to mind, too, but this has the pertinent concepts. Many of the couples in Scott's work belong together, so much so that it's not that big a deal that they are together. Step and Deanne don't seem to belong together any more than any other two people, but they make it work, through struggle and sacrifice.

Ivan and Katerina come in a pretty close second.

Posted by Maccabeus (Member # 3051) on :
Peggy and Alvin get married!?

*gah*...I've been spoiled. I just started reading the series. Well, it's my fault for starting so late, and I always read ahead anyway. [Wink]

BTW...I'm ba-ack....
Posted by Nick (Member # 4311) on :
Sorry Nick, I guess I should have put in a spoiler warning .

I hope you're enjoying the book, it's one of my very favorites.

That's ok dkw. I didn't think it ruined it. I thought they became a couple before....


...they defeated Unwyrm instead of after. I still loved the book, it's one of my very favorites as well. In fact, it's only topped by Earthfall IMO. [Smile]

[ July 28, 2003, 10:25 PM: Message edited by: Nick ]
Posted by pooka (Member # 5003) on :
Papa Moose-
Belong together? This begs the whole soulmates heresy. I don't think there can be soulmates in the same universe that there is free will. (If anyone reading this doesn't believe in free will, there are lots and lots of threads about that, I'm talking about the idea of soulmates now.)

If you want to go with the non-soulmate, act of sheer will kind of love, there's Ender and Novihna. Kind of. In one direction, at least.
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
Urg. Not Ender and Novinha! That is my least favourite couple.
A. Because I hate Novinha, she is a @$#%#$ and makes me so frustrated, though sometimes I feel sorry for her but...
b. They hardly spent any time with each other, how could they have gotten married that fast?!
C. And... She's just... so... clingy to Ender... She made him give up his friendship with Jane, how fair is that?
Posted by Nick (Member # 4311) on :
And... She's just... so... clingy to Ender... She made him give up his friendship with Jane, how fair is that?
If I had a woman I talked to 24/7/365, my girlfriend would throw a fit. It's in the nature of the female and the male both to be that way.
Posted by Deidra (Member # 5455) on :
Ender and Novinha are my least favorite couple
Posted by Zotto! (Member # 4689) on :
Aw, I LIKED Ender and Novinha. [Razz]

But, I HAVE TO HAVE TO HAVE TO second Papa on this one. Step and DeAnne were just so...real. Or something. Lost Boys is one of my all-time favorite books, period, and a BIG reason for that is the fact that OSC goes SO in-depth with their relationship. And that scene that Papa just quoted was one of my favorite SCENES of all-time. [Big Grin]

...and yeah, I cried like a baby when I read that. So sue me. [Razz]
Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :
Ivan and Katerina...their relationship is so heartbreakingly REAL and true to life.

Abraham and Sarah...same as above and I really enjoyed seeing it from her perspective!!
Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :
I have to also second the Step and Deanne vote...and methinks that when I do that I'm also kind of putting in a vote for Scott and Kristine. [Kiss] hee hee hee
Posted by suntranafs (Member # 3318) on :
Oh, Enchantment all the way!
Ivan and Katerina by leaps and bounds.

[ August 05, 2003, 09:15 PM: Message edited by: suntranafs ]
Posted by Laurenz0 (Member # 5336) on :
Step and DeAnne are probably the best couple in the sense they work extremely well together. Like, physically work well together. Good at parenting and such.

But i dunno. Ivan and whatsherface(long time since I read that) were really good. I suppose they would have to be my favourite.

But i think novinha is one of the best carachters OSC ever did and ender and her were a perfect couple. And whoever says otherwise is blind. Blind i tell ya. Frustrating. [Wall Bash]

Ender was a healer. She was in need of being healed.
Novinha was there to bring out the other carachters especially ender. And Ender didn't do a perfect job, shes right you know. How would you guys feel if your someone talked to another someone 24/7?

[ August 06, 2003, 02:34 AM: Message edited by: Laurenz0 ]
Posted by Nessa Nu (Member # 5471) on :
I like Shedemei and Zdorab really much, regarding how much they made out of their special situation... (don't want to give away too much...). And I like the idea that the "friendship marriage" can be one of the strongest. Yep.
And a warm hello from Germany, by the way, I'm a newbie here
Posted by TwosonPaula (Member # 5511) on :

Petra and Bean, and don't ask me why. It's just...when I read it, I wish I was Petra, loving Bean. It's very weird.

Also, Ivan and Kat. They're cool.
Posted by Carrie (Member # 394) on :
I don't really know. I've got a few good ideas from this thread, but one original...

Leyel and Deet. I liked them.

Shedya and Zodya, of course.

And Ivan and Katerina. Something about Ivan just rubbed me the right way (NOT in that way, thanks very much!)
Posted by Papa Moose (Member # 1992) on :
Oooh, the Forskas. Yes, excellent call.
Posted by Petra'sDaughter (Member # 5539) on :
Abraham and Sarah tee hee hee

Actually, I really love the interaction between Si Wang Mu and Peter...and I love the edge that Peter has.

I liked Petra and Beans relationship before it became romantic, afterwards it seems that Petra is a completely different (and dependent)person.
Posted by Ryan Hart (Member # 5513) on :
Jane and Andrew or Step and Diane
Posted by BelladonnaOrchid (Member # 188) on :
Ender and Novinha were definitely my LEAST favorite couple.

However, I think I enjoy Ender and Valentine the most, not as a romantic couple, but that they are as close to completing eachother as they can get without being a romantic couple. (That said, I am speaking about before Ender went to Lusitania. Or even as far back as pre-Jakt and pre-Novinha, if that adds any clarity.)

Another favorite couple of mine is Bean and Petra. Mainly because when I read Enders Game years ago for the first time, I thought that they would make a good couple. They have matching attitudes that I thought would work great together. [Wink]
Posted by Glue (Member # 5550) on :
Score another for Alvin and Peggy.

The couple I disliked the most was Shedemei and Zdorab just because it was a mater of convenience instead of love
Posted by pooka (Member # 5003) on :
Strange that no one has voted for Akma and Edhadeya. Even though they are the "cutest" couple. You know. Kind of the quarterback and Homecoming queen combo there. I was trying to find the thread where someone was complaining that no one winds up with their ideal mate in OSC's books, and here's the reason why. It's just not compelling.
Posted by Papa Moose (Member # 1992) on :
Homecoming queen? Was that intentional?
Posted by Youth ap Orem (Member # 5582) on :
No one picked Lovelock and Carol Jeanne? Yeah I don't really think so either, but it's just the last book I read by OSC so it's in my brain. Does it have to be romantic couples? I liked in Hart's Hope, Orem and his son. If i can't pick that couple, I would pick Katerina and Ivan. But Baba Yaga and the Bear were a lot funnier.
Posted by Da_Goat (Member # 5529) on :
Peter and Wang-mu. I thought their bickering was entertaining. Bean and Petra were the most believable, though, in my opinion.
Posted by blacwolve (Member # 2972) on :
I don't know if I've already posted on this thread, but if I had, I've changed my mind.

Favorite: Peter and Wang Mu
Least favorite: Alvin and Peggy
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 433) on :
The couple I disliked the most was Shedemei and Zdorab just because it was a mater of convenience instead of love
They are one of my favorite couples because I saw it as a matter of love and not lust.

In fact, the reason I like the fifth book of that series less is that Zdorab's death depressed me so much it was hard to get into a Homecoming book without his charecter.

Hobbes [Smile]
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 433) on :
I'm surprised at how many votes Ivan and Katerina are getting since I never much cared for them. I didn't dislike them I just didn't think they were that great a couple...

Hobbes [Smile]
Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :
I wouldn't be surprised if all the Ivan and Katerina votes were cast by females. There's just something about Ivan...I don't know. Maybe that's why I love the two of them together. [Wink]
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
I'd love to say Ivan and Katerina, if only for the names, but I don't think so. Ivan bugged me - his were the wrenching trials of the crown prince with too many choices.

Favorite couple... Ender and Jane. Or Ender and Valentine.

Least favorite? Ivan and Ruthie. *grin*
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 433) on :
Just because it hasn't mentioned I'd like to say that I really enjoyed Val and Jakt. They aren't my favorite couple, but they're still cool. [Big Grin]

Hobbes [Smile]
Posted by Marek (Member # 5404) on :
I wouldn't be surprised if all the Ivan and Katerina votes were cast by females
They weren't all cast by females
Posted by pooka (Member # 5003) on :
Edhadaya as homecoming queen... No, that was not intentional. Though I guess Akma is also a day dream believer. :lights a match: (because that joke stinks)
Posted by seven (Member # 5367) on :
I like Peggy and Alvin the best.
Posted by Marek (Member # 5404) on :
Ok I also think Luet and Nafai are a cute couple, for reason in the Call of Earth
Posted by Black Mage (Member # 5800) on :
Miro and Jane. Mostly 'cause I love Jane.
Posted by Marek (Member # 5404) on :
After so man years I dug this thread up to show to my wife. Surprisingly I had forgotten all but one of the couples I suggested years ago, and now I have read the books that almost all these couples come from (though I am currently re-reading Enchantment).

I didn't really like Will and Patience all that much, and Palicroval and Asineth is definately different. I have to agree with the Forskas as one of my favorites too. Still I like Lanik and Lady Stone a lot, especially for their reunion when she so completely accepts him.

I wonder if anyone else had any new thoughts on the subject since some new couples have come along like Reuben and Cecily. Just wondering what thoughts are out there.
Posted by Steve_G (Member # 10101) on :
Wow, I didn't realize how old this thread was when I started reading it. I think it predates my time on Hatrack even in lurker form.

I have to vote for Ender/Jane. I cried when that relationship ended. I understood his reasons, but kind of wished he'd leave Novinha for Jane.
Posted by T:man (Member # 11614) on :
Bean and Petra, they're tied with Virlomi and herself.
Posted by Marek (Member # 5404) on :
Originally posted by T:man:
Bean and Petra, they're tied with Virlomi and herself.

Posted by Steve_G (Member # 10101) on :
T:man, that's about the funniest thing I've read on here yet. [Hat]
Posted by mr_porteiro_head (Member # 4644) on :
Me and Uncle Orson.

It's subtle, but it runs throughout his entire oeuvre.
Posted by mr_porteiro_head (Member # 4644) on :
But seriously, my favorite couple is Ma and Pa Wiggin, as seen in "Teacher's Pest".

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